A free-to-attend webinar for bioinformaticians, biostatisticians and scientists looking to decode interplays in complex microbial systems

17 October 2024 | Online

6am PT/ 9am ET/ 3pm CET

Presented by

Scientific Committee

Associate Professor, Microbiomes and Complex Microbial Communities

North Carolina State University

Director of Computational Biology and Data Science

Persephone Biosciences

Bonnie Hurwitz

Tal Korem

University of Arizona

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Columbia University

Adina Howe

Tonya Ward

Associate Professor

Iowa State University

Senior Director, Microbiome Data Science


Sean Stromberg

Benjamin Callahan


A free-to-attend webinar for bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, and scientists looking to decode the interplay between microbes in complex systems.

The recent adoption of novel sequencing technology has allowed for the collection of vast microbiome data. However, the complex and unique nature of microbiome data, particularly its sparsity, makes analysis by classical statistical tests inadequate. To tackle this issue the development and implementation of harmonised, innovative techniques, and novel software is vital. Whether it be leveraging machine learning algorithms to allow for integration of heterogenic data. Or, the application of cloud computing to avoid computational bottlenecks in the analysis of vast datasets. The key to unlocking mechanisms of microbiome interactions is understand data.

Join us online on October 17 (6am PT/ 9am ET/ 3pm CET) for a full day webinar uncovering the latest innovation in data analysis.

Confirmed Speakers

Ishanu Chattopadhyay

Lisa Karstens

Scientific Director

The Microsetta Initiative, UC San Diego School of Medicine

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Rice University

Frederic D. Bushman

Colin Hill

William Maul Measey Professor in Microbiology

University of Pennsylvania: Perelman School of Medicine

Professor of Microbial Food Safety

University College Cork, Ireland (UCC)

Bonnie Hurwitz

Tal Korem

Associate Professor

University of Arizona

Assistant Professor

Columbia University

Jérôme Waldispühl

Ann Gregory

Associate Professor

McGill School of Computer Science

Assistant Professor

University of Calgary

Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Quadram Institute

Head of Computational Microbiome Research

Biomica Ltd.

Adina Howe

Niccolò Carlino

Zhong Wang

Group Lead

DOE Joint Genome Institute/Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Associate Professor

Oregon Health & Science University

Assistant Professor

University of Chicago Medicine

Todd Treangen

Daniel McDonald

Sheerli Kruger Ben Shabat

Ryan Cook

Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology

Università degli Studi di Trento

Associate Professor

Iowa State University


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